Ever wondered exactly how many UK species of wildlife you've ever seen in your life? Pan-species listing is an approach to recording wildlife centred around building your "life list" in a social and every-so-slightly competitive manner.
In early 2014, the pan-species listing community approached me to ask if I could help develop a website to allow the entire community to collaborate by updating their own list profiles and sharing a blogging platform, thus freeing up the person currently responsible for editing the entire site to focus on building their list (amongst other things). Rather than build the site as a "closed box", I worked with Graeme Lyons (a member of the pan-species listing community) and staff at the Sussex Biodiverseity Record Centre to involve them in the development of the website from start to finish, ensuring that they are able to continue to improve the site into the future as required.
The site was developed using the Drupal 7 content management system with only a small module of custom code to calculate the list totals and auto-generate news about movements up and down the rankings. It's currently undergoing final testing.